Thursday, October 1, 2009

Second Day Teaching

Today I did a PDHPE lesson which focused on health practices that keep us healthy and food options that are either healthy or unhealthy. The main point of the lesson was to allow students to come to an understanding of healthy and unhealthy foods and realize the importance of them in their diets. I used two different lunch boxes- one healthy, the other unhealthy, to start a discussion on food. I also got the students to complete a game on the Smart board that can be found at and I got the students to complete a worksheet on fruit.
In terms of the students they seemed to thoroughly enjoy all the activities and worked well.
As a teacher I need to work on giving clear instructions about how they should move between activities and wait until they are all ready before getting students to move.
In terms of structure I made sure that I had all my resources organised prior to the lesson in order for it to run as smoothly as possible. The use of ICT seemed to engage and motivate the students.

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