Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fifth day teaching


Personally I was not happy with the majority of my lesson today. I did a PDHPE lesson focussing on healthy and unhealthy foods that children eat at school. I began the lesson with a game about different food groups on the smart board that motivated the students. I then gave explicit instructions on how they were going to behave and what they were going to do exactly once they were outside. We walked to the canteen area; this was a bit of a challenge to say the least. My teacher told me afterwards that it is best not to have your back turned to the class when you’re walking them somewhere. The students loved the game I did with them outside the canteen though. However they became a bit rowdy at the end. I then led them back inside and got them to make their own canteen menu. They absolutely loved this activity and really got involved.
As a teacher I need to follow through with consequences far more, and praise students a lot more than I have been. I used a PowerPoint that my CT had created about classroom rules at the end of the lesson which allowed students to recall the rules of the classroom that they are expected to keep.

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